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Eid is a big holiday for Muslims around the world. Muslims will perform Eid prayers together in the field, then slaughter livestock such as goats, sheep, or cows. The essence of Eid Al-Adha is to follow the example from the Prophet Ibrahim who obeyed Allah’s commands. The prophet Ibrahim had to sacrifice his son (Ishmael) to be slaughtered which Allah then replaced with a lamb. This story teaches that Muslims should always obey Allah’s commands and share with others.

In Indonesia, Eid Al-Adha is also a special day. There are several unique traditions to enliven the celebration of Eid.

  1. Manten Sapi

This tradition is carried out by the community in Wates Tani Village, Granti District, Pasuruan Regency, East Java. In Javanese, ​Manten Sapi means cow bride. The cows are decorated in such a way as a bride, with a garland of seven flowers, wrapped in white cloth, then paraded around by the villagers. Then, these cows were handed over to the sacrificial committee at the mosque.

  1. Mepe Kasur

This tradition​ is done by drying out kapok mattresses under the sun. It is carried out by the Using tribe in Banyuwangi, East Java. This tradition is carried out a few days ahead of the Eid Al-Adha celebration. Residents of the Using tribe beat the mattresses to clean the mattress from dust and dry it out under the sun. They do this tradition together simultaneously. Moreover, the people believe that this tradition will keep them out of harm’s way.

  1. Toron

This is a Madurese tradition in East Java, to return to their respective villages. Many Madurese have migrated outside Madura. A few days before Eid Al-Adha, Madurese return in droves to Madura.

  1. Grebeg Gunungan

In the days ahead of Eid al-Adha, there is a Grebeg Gunungan tradition at the Yogyakarta Palace. Gunungan is a bunch of food such as fruits and snacks from the market that are arranged in a way as to resemble a mountain. Three Gunungan are paraded by soldiers and horses around the palace. After the procession is over, people can take the food in the Gunungan by grabbing or “gerebek“.

  1. Apitan

This tradition means Sedekah Bumi Apitan (Earth Alms). It is carried out by residents of Sampangan Village, Semarang, Central Java. Sampangan residents paraded the tumpeng (cone-shaped cuisine) and produce as a form of gratitude for the sustenance they have received. At the end of the procession, the people will compete to grab some of the tumpeng and the produce.

  1. Kaul Negeri dan Abda’u

This tradition is held in Tulehu District, Central Maluku, Maluku Province. At first, the people will perform Eid Al-Adha prayers and slaughtered livestock as usual. Then, there is a customary livestock slaughter that is: the main goat and two companion goats. Religious leaders carry the goats while walking around and reading Salawat. This tradition is believed to keep Tulehu from harm’s way.

Eid Al-Adha is celebrated by Muslims to help each other. Is there any traditional ceremony similar to these traditions in your country?

Sources: https://travel.kompas.com/read/2020/07/31/131626127/6-tradisi-unik-perayaan-idul-adha-di-indonesia?

Iduladha merupakan hari raya besar bagi umat Islam di dunia. Umat Islam akan melaksanakan salat Id bersama-sama di tanah lapang, lalu menyembelih hewan kurban seperti kambing, domba, atau sapi. Filosofi dari Iduladha yaitu untuk meneladani Nabi Ibrahim yang mematuhi perintah Allah. Nabi Ibrahim mengorbankan putranya (Ismail) untuk disembelih yang kemudian Allah ganti sembelihan tersebut dengan domba. Kisah ini mengajarkan bahwa sepatutnya umat Islam senantiasa mematuhi perintah Allah dan berbagi dengan sesama.

Di Indonesia, Iduladha pun menjadi hari yang istimewa. Terdapat beberapa tradisi unik dalam rangka memeriahkan perayaan Iduladha sebagai berikut.

  1. Manten Sapi

Tradisi Manten Sapi dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat di Desa Wates Tani, Kecamatan Granti, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. Dalam bahasa Jawa, manten sapi artinya pengantin sapi. Sapi-sapi dirias sedemikian rupa seperti pengantin, diberi kalung bunga tujuh rupa, dibalut kain putih, lalu diarak oleh warga desa. Kemudian, sapi-sapi ini diserahkan kepada panitia kurban di masjid.

  1. Mepe Kasur

Tradisi Mepe Kasur atau menjemur kasur kapuk dilaksanakan oleh suku Using di Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur. Tradisi ini dilakukan pada beberapa hari menjelang Iduladha. Warga suku Using memukul-mukul kasur untuk membersihkan kasur dari debu dan menjemurnya. Mereka melakukan tradisi ini secara serentak. Selain itu, mereka percaya bahwa tradisi ini akan menjauhkan mereka dari bahaya.

  1. Toron

Tradisi Toron merupakan tradisi warga Madura, Jawa Timur, untuk pulang ke kampungnya masing-masing. Banyak warga Madura yang merantau ke luar Madura. Beberapa hari sebelum Iduladha, warga Madura berbondong-bondong untuk pulang ke Madura.

  1. Grebeg Gunungan

Menjelang Iduladha, terdapat tradisi Grebeg Gunungan di Keraton Yogyakarta. Gunungan adalah makanan seperti buah-buahan dan jajan pasar yang dibentuk sedemikian rupa menyerupai gunung. Tiga gunungan diarak oleh prajurit dan kuda di sekitar keraton. Setelah arak-arakan selesai, masyarakat boleh mengambil makanan di gunungan tersebut dengan cara rebutan atau “gerebek”.

  1. Apitan

Tradisi Apitan atau Sedekah Bumi Apitan dilaksanakan oleh warga Kelurahan Sampangan, Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Warga Sampangan mengarak tumpeng dan hasil bumi sebagai wujud rasa syukur atas rezeki yang diterima. Di akhir arak-arakan, warga akan berebutan mengambil tumpeng dan hasil bumi tersebut.

  1. Kaul Negeri dan Abda’u

Tradisi Kaul Negeri dan Abda’u diadakan di Negeri Tulehu, Maluku Tengah, Provinsi Maluku. Mula-mula, warga melakukan salad Id dan penyembelihan hewan kurban secara umum. Kemudian, terdapat penyembelihan hewan secara khusus yaitu berupa seekor kambing inti dan dua kambing pendamping. Pemuka agama menggendong kambing-kambing tersebut sambil berkeliling dan membacakan salawat. Tradisi ini dipercaya untuk menjauhkan Negeri Tulehu dari bahaya.

Iduladha diperingati oleh umat Islam untuk saling membantu sesama. Di negara Anda, apakah ada upacara tradisional yang mirip dengan tradisi-tradisi tersebut?

Dilansir dari https://travel.kompas.com/read/2020/07/31/131626127/6-tradisi-unik-perayaan-idul-adha-di-indonesia?

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