Jl. Affandi, Gang Bromo #15A, Mrican, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

+62 851 0147 8518 / +62 274 520341 marketing@wisma-bahasa.com

Wisma Bahasa

Wisma Bahasa, the first Indonesian Language Course in Yogyakarta, was established in 1982. It was initially called Yogyakarta Indonesia Language Centre (YILC), Wisma Bahasa has been running Indonesian Language training programs for multi-ethnic learners requiring Indonesian language services for general and specific purposes. Initiated by Mr. Daniel Perlman, a Peace Corps volunteer from USA, Wisma Bahasa is now owned by Suara Bhakti Foundation (Yayasan Suara Bhakti Yogyakarta). Read more ….

2 thoughts on “Wisma Bahasa”

  1. My husband and I are interested in doing a 4 week or 6 week course in Bahasa Indonesia. I am on the bus in Sydney so don’t have full access to your website. Could you please send me details of all your courses planned for July 2018 – December 2019.

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