malam indonesia - cultural party in wisma bahasa

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+62 851 0147 8518 / +62 274 520341

Malam Indonesia – Cultural Party in Wisma Bahasa

mi09On 7 November 2009, Wisma Bahasa organized Malam Indonesia. This event is an event held annually to celebrate Indonesian culture. All participants who joined this event are students, teachers, and staff of Wisma Bahasa. The participants who attended the ceremony wearing traditional clothing from various parts of Indonesia.

In addition, there are performances and stands from the representatives of ethnic groups in Indonesia, among others are Batak (North Sumatra), Dayak West Kalimantan), South Sulawesi, Bali, East Nusa Tenggara, and Papua. Traditional art performances and these stands were exhibited by student’s communities studying in Yogyakarta to represent their respective regions. Other photos…..

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